Band Boosters

The BOSS Boosters are an incorporated non-profit organization made up of parents and other interested parties, whose sole purpose is s to provide support for the students, parents, and staff of the band, orchestra and color guard program at Santiago High School by raising funds, recruiting volunteers, and conducting events.

If you have a student in Band, Orchestra or Color Guard, you are automatically a member of Boosters.

Booster Information

Fundraisers will be offered throughout the year to help raise funds for various band, orchestra and color guard activities and expenses.

Spirit Nights will be held at various local restaurants throughout the year. Be sure to check your email for your flyer!

Booster Meetings are held monthly. The meetings in the months of August, November, February and May will be general meetings and open to all parents.

Payments can be placed in the black drop box located in the Band room.

Volunteers are the back bone of our program! It takes a lot of hands to complete the tasks necessary for the running of a program this large. Please contact the 1st Vice President for more information.

Visit the BOSS Website for additional information about Santiago Band and Colorguard.

Booster Board Members 2024-2025

An email to will reach the chairpersons listed below:

President – Michael Greany

Executive VP – Sean Bangert (Senior Night and End of Year Banquet, Event Program & Ad Sales)

Treasurer – Fred Thompson

Recording Secretary – Angie Gutierrez(record minutes, compile and bind approved minutes)

Corresponding Secretary – Tony Wong – (Publicity, Communications, VIP invitations)

Chairperson – Uniforms – Raelen Wong (Oversee Marching Uniforms)

Chairperson – Volunteers – Amy Spencer – (Volunteers, Concert Attire, Oversee Football Game & Concerts)

Chairperson – Ways and Means/Fundraising – Susan Griffin(Coordinates Fundraising, Oversees all fundraising sub-committees)

Chairperson – Transportation/Equipment Managers – Raquel Jorgensen – (Transportation,  Equipment, Oversee Parade sub-committees)

Chairperson – Campus Events – Melissa Sweet  – (Coordinates on-campus Festivals, band BBQ’s, Visitor’s Concession Stand at Football games)

Chairperson – Recruitment and Hospitality – Laurie Thompson – (Band Camp, Recruitment tables, Spaghetti Dinner, Concert Hospitality)

Chairperson – Colorguard – Michelle Maffei (Color Guard recruitment, uniforms, transportation)

Chairperson – Orchestra – Dora Favela  – (Orchestra concerts, uniforms, transportation)

Webmaster – Michael Fenyes(BOSS social media and BOSS website maintenance)

Booster Team Contact:
SHS BOSS Band Boosters
160 W. Foothill Parkway, #105-202
Corona, CA 92882